Friday, January 16, 2009

Sishen Chinese Soap- The Healer

Ingredients:Tuckahoe, chinese yam, gorgon gruit, lotus seed, job's tears, chinese angelica, palm oil, camomile, frankinsense, parsley oil, olive oil, canola oil.

The nature of Sishen Chinese herbs is warm and moisturising. Its rich starch content leaves your skin smooth after wash. Its ingredient, Chinese angelica, can reduce swelling, stop pain, purge pus and boost the muscles, regardless of oral consumption or external application. Serving as an anti-oxidant, its extract can also reduce skin darkening and pigments formation, and increases the skin’s ability to fade melanin.
As it has job's tears in the ingredients, it helps to reduce water retention.

Personal views and experiences

Sishen was my first love. The sweet smell makes it hard for me to put it down and I was smelling the soap on and off when it first came. Then I read somewhere that it helps to calm you down (probably I was overstressed then).

Chinese Angelica is great with healing wounds thus making it suitable for diabetic patients and those who suffer from cuts and bruises. Sishen is also mosturises and great with pigmentation on your arms due to overexposure to the sun.

Price: RM29.50

Disclaimer: These soaps are to help relieve your skin problems, not a medication or a cure all for your skin diseases. We believe natural soaps are the best when your skin is vulnerable .For total skin health,its all boils down to proper nutrition. Please consult a Nutritionist or your doctor for further information.


  1. This sounds like a great all-rounder :) Would love to try it out!
    Hope I win one in the contest on ParisB's blog.... :P

  2. Sounds like a great all-rounder :) Would love to try this out!
    Really hope I win one in ParisB's Yuan Soap Giveaway contest.... :P
